What is dried tofu?

Don’t worry if you don’t know what dried tofu is  - it is a fairly new ingredient outside of China and Japan. So here’s what you need to know about dried tofu. 

  • Dried tofu  - “Yuba” in Japan or “Fu Pi” in China is an ancient Asian delicacy, made from the top layer of soymilk. It is rich and creamy in flavour and incredibly nutritious

  • Astonishingly, dried tofu has a whopping 40% protein which is more protein than any fresh meat! 

  • So for those looking for a protein rich ingredient that is on par if not higher than meat, look no further. 

  • Tofu knots are made from ribbons of dried tofu, hand tied into little bows. Perfect to have in the cupboard ready to be hydrated and added to your favourite dishes. They come in different shapes and textures; flat sheets, sticks, twists and our favourite, the tofu knot shape.

Craft Tofu Knots


The Different types of Dried Tofu


Why Tofu Knots are better than any fake meat! Tofu Knots are the new Jackfruit!