Why Tofu Knots are better than any fake meat! Tofu Knots are the new Jackfruit!

Our tofu knots are made with just soybeans and water, a totally pure cooking ingredient which is quite rare these days with the expansion of vegan cooking ingredients such as veggie burgers and sausages.  

Our products are very simple and authentic to Asian cuisine with none of the “tech” that processes food to make them taste like meat. 

At Tofu Tasty, we want our tofu to taste like tofu, and not of meat!  

The chewy textures of dried tofu, and the appearance of the tofu knot coated in a seriously tasty sauce may well remind you of meat because of its firm mouthfeel but its completely natural with none of the highly processed features of fake meats. 

As a vegan centrepiece, tofu knots give you natural plant-based protein, the satisfaction of eating a proper meal without additives. We find that most vegan main meals contain either some imitation dairy or imitation meats which are highly processed. When vegan main meals are natural - they are often involving a whole roast cauliflower or celeriac or lentils which does not give you the satisfaction of a chewy protein. This is why we believe that Tofu Knots are the future! :) 

In the last year we have noticed a small backlash against fake meats because they are another version of junk food. Don’t get us wrong, we know there is a time and a place for a veggie burger that tastes very similar to meat, but for a balanced and healthy lifestyle, at Tofu Tasty we want to offer you an ingredient option that is perfectly designed for those wanting to reduce their meat consumption without then consuming a lot of unnatural ingredients as well. 

We believe that our tofu knots stand up in their own right, and not as a meat alternative per se. But if you are looking for alternatives then you can’t beat our tofu knots for nutrition, naturalness and taste!

Craft Tofu Knots


What is dried tofu?


How to cook Tofu Knots - choose your texture!